And so spring is upon us and on March 4th our local Trout Unlimited Chapter, along with many local volunteers and the North Carolina Wildlife Division will be stocking many of the rivers here in Western North Carolina. This is what has become to be known as "March Madness"
Folks are coming off some serious cabin fever and the water temps are rising, making trout more active and for those of us who belong outside, it is time.
Whether you are a streamer fly fisher or love to nymph fish or a traditional dry fly fly fisher, there will be something for everyone to enjoy and no matter what, it is about being out there in nature.
So, here is a few things to factor in no matter which form of fly fishing you choose to do.
"Presentation over fly pattern" Work on your cast and drifts (Nymph Fishing) instead of a magic fly that catches trout.
"Thin to Win" - If you have clear water and spooky trout, use thinner diameter tippet.
Change the weight of your nymphs first before switching patterns
Lastly, pay attention to the texture of the nymph/fly you are using.
#1 Golden Rule- Have fun out there .
Tight lines, Shannon